Talk to your lender or broker about pre-approval on your loan. Knowing your finance is already organised will give you the freedom to make an offer on your ideal block straight away.
Select your conveyancer or solicitor to guide you through the purchasing land and building your home journey.
2. Choose your block of land
A sales consultant will help you select a block of land that best suits your needs.
Discuss with your builder to ensure your block complements your chosen house design.
3. Secure your lot with a $1,000 Holding Deposit
This is a fully refundable initial deposit.
The initial deposit can be paid by Cheque or EFT only.
The contract will be issued electronically to your solicitor/conveyancer.
You will have 14 days to exchange contracts.
Your block of land is taken off the market during this 14 day period whilst you finalise your finance.
4. Unconditional Exchange
Your solicitor/conveyancer will help you finalise your contract. When you are ready to sign your contract, your conveyancer/solicitor will forward the email with the signing link to you. No special programs are needed to sign electronically – you can use any computer, tablet or smartphone device that has email and internet access. You can sign at home or in your conveyancers/solicitor’s office.
The contract will be secured with a 10% deposit and payable by two installments being 5% on exchange of contracts and 5% on settlement.
5. Settlement
Once your land is registered with the Land Registry Services, you’ll have 21 days to settle on your land.
If your land is registered, you will have 35 days from unconditional exchange or as specified in the contract of sale to settle on your land.
Your legal advisor will manage this process with you.